Two stories on the NBC Nightly News reference the “gun problem.”
In Chicago, the “Gun Epidemic” claims more lives. Violence is not the problem. The inner city culture is not the problem. It’s all them damn guns. Uh-huh.
In New York, an undercover cop is shot eight times by police after one of then saw a gun in the suspect car and opened fire. Gun = Bad. (Oh, and it was a measly $60 drug buy.) Even the cops who use guns to defend their lives have the “guns are bad” mentality. It’s been drilled into their noggins since birth.
Meanwhile, the gun epidemic at my place (I have a bunch of them) has produced no casualties. New Yorkers, brought up in a “guns are bad” environment would call my collection an “arsenal” though it pales in comparison to others’. (I have only one gun safe.)
Guns are simply machines. They have no will of their own. They are inanimate. They cannot compel people to do bad things. And they take the rap for everything from errors in judgement to cultural deficiencies.
The problem is people. It is not guns. The problem will never be fixed until we acknowledge this. The bias of news media is blatant. Or they are colossally ignorant.
In either case, the news media, anti-gun politicians and anti-gun organizations are all complicit in the deaths of all those victims of violence, for ignoring, indeed, diverting attention away from the root causes of this violence and blaming guns. Sad.