Well, it would seem that Obama’s border policy chickens have come home to roost, as they say.
For years, he’s tolerated, some say encouraged, the sneak-ins and they have proliferated. In 2012, he issued some Executive Order concerning kids (I have no idea what was in it) and that seems to have picked up the pace of unaccompanied minors, according to the host on Meet The Press last Sunday.
The Homeland Security Secretary said the problem is one of “push” — meaning that the conditions are so bad in Honduras that it is “pushing” people to the U.S. Really? The conditions in the region are largely unchanged in recent years. What’s changed is Obama’s Welcome mat.
And “push” does not explain why these refugees don’t stop in Guatemala. Or Mexico. Why travel all the way to the U.S.? News coverage explains that these people risk life and limb, riding atop freight trains the length of Mexico, through bands of bandits, rapists, murderers and such, just to get to the U.S. “Push”, indeed.
They are being pulled here by policies that provide for them medical care, food, clothing, shelter and a bus ticket to Atlanta, Chicago or New York. One such illegal alien was shown in a clip saying, “I was so glad when border patrol pick me up!” She’d grabbed the Brass Ring.
I do wonder what portion of them actually show up for their scheduled deportation hearing court dates.
The Homeland Security Secretary wanted to send the “unequivocal message” that these illegals should not come here — that we do not have open borders — but our policies say otherwise. The president says our borders are secure but we cannot even stop unaccompanied 7-year-olds, much the less terrorists.
I am not amused by news agencies’ practice of labeling these people as “undocumented immigrants”. Sure. “There’s a mix up on your paperwork. Just give us a moment and you can be on your way.” Like maybe we lost their reservations.
If they are “undocumented immigrants” when picked up, then surely they must be “documented immigrants” once we log them into the system and set a court day and such, right? So how do we distinguish these from immigrants with actual green cards — the ones NOT here illegally? Would it be okay to call them “illegal documented immigrants”?
Now Obama wants $3.7 Billion to deal with the kids. The idea that our borders are porous and allowing in pretty much anyone, including drug smugglers and terrorists, did not worry him much. But, gee, we need more money for the kids.
Meanwhile, on the network news last evening, it was reported that people “continue to flood in” to the country. Wouldn’t it be cheaper in the long run, and easier, to keep them out in the first place? How about a hundred billion to build a decent border fence. Keep out the hordes and then Border Patrol can concentrate on the drug smugglers.
Unless, of course, you really don’t want to keep out the hordes.