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Photo taken from deck of Warren's home.

“What Do We Got?”

I have some grammatical pet peeves.

Pet Peeve 109: “What Do We Got?”

I watch a lot of TV. American TV. I can hardly go one evening without hearing some dimwit character ask: “What do we got?” This is usually asked as the dimwit arrives at a crime scene.

This is said by the uniformed cops, the medical examiners, the detectives, even the police chief or commissioner.

Now, I can buy a uniformed officer with a G.E.D. saying “What do we got?” but I have a problem suspending disbelief when ostensibly college-educated characters say it. Someone with a medical degree? Hardly.

Not long ago, a “What do we got?” was closely followed by a “Show me what we got.” Ugh.

Using “got” in place of “have” is epidemic. I’m wondering if all these shows have the same writers.


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