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Photo taken from deck of Warren's home.

Posts from ‘August, 2015’

When Guns Are Outlawed

It should come as no surprise then that when people decide to cobble together a gun in their basement or garage, it is usually a sub-machinegun. Easy peasy.

ISIS’s Chemical Weapons

It was in the news today that ISIS has used chemical weapons. Apparently, they’ve found those elusive chemical weapons that the U.S. could not.

“War Is Not The Answer”

I feel sorry for anyone who believes that there is nothing for which it is worth fighting, killing and possibly dying. Such are the “Better Red than dead” crowd of my youth. Such people seem to be claiming the moral high ground when they are really just looking out for Number One.

Undocumented Illegal Immigrant Alien Foreigners

One illegal alien objected to “alien” because it made him feel like he was “from Mars” or some such — uncomfortable. Taking into mind the comfort of this illegal alien, maybe we should settle on “illegal foreigner”. On what grounds can anyone object to that?