It strikes me as most strange that, in a government “of the people, by the people and for the people”, as Lincoln described it, the most powerful branch of government is not accountable to the people — or anyone else!
Posts under ‘Constitution’
U.N. Small Arms Treaty
Two items much in the news these days are: 1) The rebels in Syria trying to bring down the dictator, Assad; 2) The U.N. Small Arms Control Treaty. The Syrians rebels (we’re all pulling for them, right?) have been saying for months that they need more weapons, more ammo. They’re having to make their own […]
The Constitution As a Living Document
… the Constitution does not grant us rights; it only mentions a few of the more important ones explicitly, saying that they shall not be infringed. The rights exist whether or not the Constitution exists and cannot be infringed unless the Constitution specifically says they can.
Who’s The Boss?
When it comes time to determine whether the federal government of the United States (FedGov) is acting constitutionally in any given situation, the issue is very simple: What does the Constitution say? If the power being exercised by FedGov is not one granted by the states to FedGov, then FedGov is acting unconstitutionally. Simple, really. […]
Obama And The Constitution
The Short Version Barack Obama will avoid appointing Supreme Court justices who believe in the letter of the Constitution. He prefers justices who will give it a more expansive interpretation, giving government more powers. Obama believes that rights have to be in the Constitution for you to have that right. (He couldn’t be more wrong.) […]