It is not the job of a gun to be accurate; that’s the shooter’s job. It is the job of the gun to be precise and repeatable.
Posts under ‘Personal’
One Chapter Challenge
Far too often, our current immigration policy brings us people from misogynistic cultures where rape, including child rape, incest and gang rape are common and tolerated, even expected. When, inevitably, rape happens among such people we have allowed into our country, Politically Correct defense attorneys make “cultural differences” excuses and courts actually fall for it, letting perpetrators off with a slap on the wrist for gang rape.
“War Is Not The Answer”
I feel sorry for anyone who believes that there is nothing for which it is worth fighting, killing and possibly dying. Such are the “Better Red than dead” crowd of my youth. Such people seem to be claiming the moral high ground when they are really just looking out for Number One.
Very Rare
The recording said: “Current wait time is less than fifteen minutes. This is very rare and we apologize.”
Third World Internet
1.4 Mbps is almost a T-1, which was great Internet decades ago. I can still remember the first time I hit 50 Kbps. These days I seem to have third world Internet.