Hey, what ever happened to Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi? I kinda miss them. The Middle East wasn’t exactly peaceful, but it was more peaceful than today more stable. I’m crossing my fingers that Assad holds onto Syria.
Posts under ‘News’
Culture Is Everything
Culture is what our children are taught and experience. It is who we are.
The Myth of Radical Muslims
We err when we say that ISIS is a “radical” element of Islam or that terrorists are “radicalized”. No, they aren’t radicalized, they are the true believers. They are the ones actually following Muhammed’s instructions, emulating his actions when he lived: conquer and subjugate.
We err when we say that ISIS is a “radical” element of Islam. No, they are the true believers. They are the ones actually following Muhammed’s instructions. They’re simply following the teachings of their spiritual leader.
“It Is Not One World”
The Middle East is a mess today not because of faulty intelligence (saying that Saddam Hussein had WMD) but rather from faulty foreign policy — the belief that Hussein’s possession of WMD gave us the right or duty to intervene.